This week
flew flew by. Monday Sister Cannon and I went to Av. Paulista.
Tuesday we
did Yngridy´s pre interview for her baptism. I liked how she interpreted
things. She said she didn´t want to buy things on the Sabbath day because it
was disrepectful to Christ- the day we remember His sacrifice we´re buying
stuff. Later that night we had a meeting with the liderança of the youth and I said
a few of my opinions.
Wendesday we
went to the temple with Awana. We went to the waiting room and showed her the paintings
and we took pictures in the garden. It was POURING tropical style but it was
great. She loved the temple. Later that night we took one of the young women
leaders to a recent convert’s house and we talked about goals and we helped
Gabi the convert organize her day to read the scriptures and pray every day.
Thursday we
taught Rafael with the Bishop. Good news- he accepted the 20th to be baptized.
Bad news- we found out he is not actually married. In Brazil they have a law do
inimigo that is called união estável that the couple sign a paper that gives
them some rights of a marriage without having to be married. And complicated
news, Rafael was thinking about getting married but now is thinking about
"separating from the old hag" so that´s complicated. There is nothing
in that relationship but this will have to be a decision with him and God what
he wants to do. We are praying and fasting by the 20th it´s resolved aye aye
Thursday we
had our district meeting and Yngridy had her interview and passed to be
We are
teaching a young man who is really cool and interested but his mom is of
another faith so that is complicating things.
We are
continuing to teach Ana who has read into Jacob in the Book of Mormon. She
really likes it. I think she has already received her answer but wants a little
more time. But she is really good.
Yngridy was baptized. It was a great baptism. We invited the Pres and Sister
Thomas and they came. Yngridy´s sister and her sister´s husband´s family was
there who are members.
Sunday she
stayed in with her brother-in-law´s family so she will receive the Holy Ghost
this Sunday.
When we
passed by Sunday morning, Awana wasn´t at her house and we were like where is
she at? And she had slept at her step dad´s place (she had went there to watch
a movie the night before and fell asleep) so we went there which is a couple
doors down and we woke her up and she came to church :) She is very excited for
her baptism this Saturday. We are really praying so every thing goes ok
We also had
a sweet miracle. We are teaching a great family Kaarina, Edivoldo, and Kailane.
And they all came to church early and all fancy :) They really liked church. We
had a sub in the gospel principles class and it was Irmão Roberto who is a very
smart lawyer and he gave a great class on faith proved that Christ is our Savior
it was cool.
Later that
night we had a famly home evening that was super great and Karina and her
family came. The message was how can we have more happiness in our family and after
we played cat and mouse with ties. It was great. We taught Kartina and her
family about the gospel Friday and invited all of them to pray about the 20th
to be baptized and they said they would pray.
Just two
more weeks. We are praying for some big miracles. The Lord is preparing His
children for this wonderful gospel. I know this gospel is true that Christ is
our Savior
Até mais
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I made truffles |
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Last p day Sister Cannon and I went to Av. Paulista |
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Awana e a gente no templo |
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Can you find Sam? |
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Baking a cake for the baptism |
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batismo |