Weekly Update:
This week
passed by very quick!
We had our
Multi Zona-the last one of President Del Guerso :( And after our reunião we all
went to the temple. It was a great experience because the Spirit was really
strong going into the temple from the multi zona so it was a great experience
and the temple is beautiful at night. Afterwards I went straight to a split in
Ferreira/Morumbi with Sister Oldroyd. It is very very fancy there and it was a
good day. Elder dos Santos went to New York because his visa came in so we had
a goodbye festa for him and sister Bezerra who ends her mission in 1
Today we had
a goodbye festa for the Pres and Sister Del Guerso. They have 4 more weeks,
with President Thomas coming in 2, but it will be his last group of
missionaries he sends home this transfer so we had the goodbye today. I will
really miss them, they are so good. We took pics, sung our mission song, ate, played
a question game with the Pres, and we skyped Presidente Thomas and Sister
Thomas! They seem really great.
Dinuan was
confirmed this Sunday. This week we´ve been really trying to find new people to
teach and I´ve been really wanting a family. The whole week we weren´t finding
new people, but Saturday we found a bunch and a family. We asked this family
what they were looking for and the wife said the Holy Ghost and the dad said baptism. They aren´t married and the
dad works during church hours but the mom brought her two little boys to
church. They had a hard time keeping still, so I hope that didn´t make the experience
bad for the mom, but
we´ll see.
I´m so happy
for the experiences I’m having and for the people I’m meeting. I feel like I have
made such good friends here. This transfer only has 1 more week- it has flown
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trunky papers - when I go home |
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templo |
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Goodbye for the Del Guersos |
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goodbye Elder dos Santos, Sister Bezerra and Iverson dos Santos (puppy) |
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Box of birthday chocolates |