This week
passed by so fast. Sister Garcia was transferred and will be companions with
Sister Conde in the very interior lots of trees. They are two very very
different people and so that should be interesting :) My new companion will be
Sister Rodriguiz who was Sister Trainadora but was released for her last two
transfers of her mission.
Luis and
Aline got married. We got permission to go to their reception at the fancy restaurant
that´s right next to the temple. We ate a ton of food and it was fun.
Luis was
baptized. It was very very tense because in reality Luis lives in another
mission interlagos that borders our mission and we share a chapel with them.
However, Luis has been frequenting our ward for years and we had permission,
but there was confusion and the Presidents of the mission said that Luis would
be baptized in the other ward the night before so Sunday we explained to Luis.
But Luis was upset and said he would only be baptized in our ward and that he
was so upset maybe he wouldn´t be baptized and we talked to the bishop and
everybody was talking to everybody and the stake president talked to the
mission presidents and in the end it worked out and Luis was baptized! Really
this experience showed me how much the enemy works to keep people from the
path. The baptism of Luis was so crucial! It´s salvation! and in one year their
family can be sealed in the temple for eternity and their baby boy Hector will
grow up in the church. I´m so grateful it worked out because it was really very
Also Gladies
was baptized. Her baptism was also very special because she has known the
church for more than 20 years. More than 20 years! All of her children have
been baptized but she never accepted. When I arrived at every lesson she always
said she would not and never would be baptized. But we are stubborn. Because
Gladies knew everything already, was already visiting the church every time we
taught Gladies it was really just with the Holy Ghost and the Book of Mormon
testifying over and over again about baptism. Testifying over and over again
about Jesus Christ and his example for us and the blessing of baptism in His
church. And inviting over and over again to pray to God for an answer. And it
worked out :) It was also very special because in my first area Maria Rosa I
met her daughter who is a member there (she always cooked very well for us) and
it was so special and gratifying to know we helped baptize her mom. Missionary
work really does not have an end how many missionaries helped Luis and Gladies
get to this point? Every missionary and member plays a role in missionary work
and I know that this is the Lord´s Work and He is preparing His children for
the Restored Gospel.
Sister Haggard
Lunch with Miriam |
Bautismo de Luis e Gladies |
Nativity set from Sister Marques |
Thiago and his family :) |
Sister Santos turned 20 |
Luis' wedding at the restaurant close to the temple |