Weekly Update
A lot happened this week! I was transfered to the area Perdizes which is São Paulo São Paulo. It´s one of the harder areas because lots of the contacts we make in the street don´t live there and its very corrido. It´s also a huge area with lots of apartments, which is tricky. When people ask which area I´m in and I say Perdizes everybody gets the same look like good luck hahaha. But this just means the miracles we recieve will be obvious to see. But the area itself is very cute very city life.
My new companion is Sister Conde, Minha filha! She is 28 and is from Argentina but lived in Italy and Spain for a long time and likes to travel. She is very relaxed and has a great testimony.
This week we had tranamento das Sisteres, which is like a multi zona but just sisters. One of the dupla of Sister Training leaders gave a trainamento about aperence, which was pretty funny especially after they passed the microphone around and other sisters shared stories about how their companion stopped them from leaving the house in that outfit and they were very grateful for it haha. Also Sister Cannon arrived!!!!! She is in Butantã, close to the temple and is opening up an area and she will destroy!
We had Stake conference in the stake here. For the Saturday session we brought an investigator and President Del Guerso called me up to the front to do a practica to explain the importance of the wards helping in the missionary work. The Sunday session was fun too because we got to see a lot of the CTM instructors because our stake encompasses the neighborhood Casa Verde, which is the neighborhood of the CTM.
Something really sad/funny happened yesterday. So Sister Conde doesn´t know the area here and so in a way we´re reopening this area because neither of us know the area (que bom). And we have to take the bus a lot to get to and from lunch because it's often in the area of the elders and the area is big. So yesterday we took the bus to return to Perdizes and we passed Avenida Paulista which was cool and everything was great, until we realized that we were not returning to our area! We took the bus that was returning to the airport FROM Perdizes! And so we hopped off, waited for an hour for the bus to return because on Sundays they pass a lot less and the bus that returned was the same one and was making a loop to return, so the bus driver thought it was funny too. So ya Perdias em Perdizes!!
We also had a lunch really cool, where the member chose who gave the message and what it would be about, and so one of the elders, Elder Olsen and I gave our testimonies and it was a great spiritual moment. This area will be a challenge, but I think here I will really learn to develop more faith and strengthen my testimony.
Até próxima semana!
Sister Haggard
tchau Maria Rosa |
tchau Miriam e Jussario |
Oi Sister Conde |
Oi Sister Cannon!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
view outside my window |